Friday, July 20, 2007

A one cent reminder

With bags of groceries inexorably cutting off the circulation in the majority of my fingers, I happened to glance down today while making my way uphill from the grocery store back to my apartment. When I did, I saw a penny on the sidewalk and stopped to pick it up.

It reminded me of this post, or more accurately, of the things I talked about in said post, namely that pennies are (if you take them to be) reminders that God is aware of you and is looking out for you.

And just now, with things kind of getting slightly out of control in my life, I was grateful for the small ways in which God reminds us that He's there. And that we need Him. Always.

1 comment:

Mama M said...

My dear, I always choose to pick up a penny on the ground when I see one, heads up or tails up. I am glad that you do the same, even when your arms are full and your fingers are numb. I choose to believe that it is a reminder to me that I am loved, that I am known by name, that Someone remembers me and cares that I am happy. I have a dear friend (Patti) who cuts my hair and makes me feel (at least once every ten weeks or so) pretty for a moment. For her, it is not a penny from heaven that serves as a reminder of the Divine in her life, but the sight of a feather, any time and anywhere. And she tells me that she finds feathers often, and always, it seems, just when she needs that assurance the most. I seldom see feathers, but I often find pennies. Aunt Ria feels that way about rainbows. She calls them "a hug from God." I think that we can see Him and feel His nearness much, much more than we choose to do. A penny, a feather, a rainbow. Life has sweet gifts for those who are ready to receive them, and who offer up a quiet, heart felt "thank you" when they do.