Wednesday, July 04, 2007

And two generous servings of diet-breakers later...

I was invited to dinner today. I was a little nervous about the whole thing, which felt a little like a first date when you don't really know the person who's taking you out. Fortunately, all persons involved were female which lessened the tension potential considerably.

There were three girls at the dinner and we all kind of pitched in with the prep work. Hesitant to discuss my dietary restrictions (I guess because they're self-imposed, and I didn't want to cause any kind of inconvenience) I failed to mention that the potato dish I was assigned to prepare was something I really shouldn't be eating. And those two cartons of ice cream bought specifically for the dinner were not things I should be eating either. Nor the M&Ms there for snacking.

So, because of my failure to mention said minor details, and in an effort to appear relatively normal, and to, like, not be rude, I decided to eat the smallest possible portion of both the potato dish and the ice cream. (Yah. Real sacrifice, I know.)

The problem is, both were really, really, really delicious. I had forgotten swallow potato and it kind of sits there pleasantly in your throat before moving its solid way down your esophagus and.


Oh. My.

Ice cream? I mean, the real kind with real sugar and, like, these brownie bits and fudge swirls? So delectable I nearly went into a dead faint there on the kitchen floor. I had really forgotten, I mean really forgotten how wonderfully deliciousgoodnessly it sat there on your tongue while it sang sweet songs to your taste buds of love and flowers and that it was the only thing you had ever wanted and it wanted you and you were united now and everything was beautiful...




Tomorrow I will return to my diet. I'm seriously not about to give this all up, particularly since I'm so near the 100lb loss mark. But is it wrong to feel that there was something nice about being able to take a break, however brief, from the rigors of said diet? Was I wrong to feast upon a few bits of potato? To relish my two little scoops of ice cream?

Well, yes. Yes, I was wrong.

But I don't regret it. No, not even a little.


Your Name said...

Sometimes you need a relief from stress. Stressed spelled backwards is Desserts. Need I say more?

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

A potato contains 45% of your RDA of Vitamin C, so technically it's good for you. You wouldn't want to get scurvy, would you?

Debbie Barr said...

Beth, at least you're doing better than me. I keep losing five pounds... and then eating a bunch of donuts or something from the bakery. But- tomorrow I am going to do good, and everything will be happy with butterflies and whole wheat tortillas, and I am NOT going to eat another donut. Nope.

Mama M said...

My dear, here is a hard truth: it never gets easier, never, never, NEVER! Ego said, "I don't like food, I LOVE it! But if if is not good I do not swallow!" (You will get this quote when you see the new Pixar flick.) Now, if only this were a philosophy I could actually practice. I swallow pretty much everything, good, bad or just present. But on to the good fight, eh? After all, that is what the day after is for.

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Okay. Mucho wonderful support. Thank you all. :)

And also, I did pretty good today. Except for eating more Triscuits than was strictly necessary.

Oh, well.