Friday, July 13, 2007

It might rain!

Which would totally mess up my desire to see To Kill a Mockingbird at the Boston Harbor Hotel tonight. Because, like, they wouldn't show it. Because of the rain. (It's all open-air, yo.)

However, in all other instances, I am a huge fan of rain. And I'm being quite serious. Because, while I don't necessarily like to be out in it, (unless I have an umbrella and a cute guy to hold hands with), I do like to see the way it makes everything shine, as if the world had been just sitting, waiting for this water to come and transform it into something extraordinary.


And also, the job interview at the placement services place went pretty darn well. So I'm hoping I'll have some sort of work week? Maybe? It all depends on how quickly my contact finds me something, but I'm pretty hopeful because she seemed pretty upbeat and positive herself. Or maybe she just acts that way for all the job applicants...

Nevertheless, I felt good about it, so in general, I'm feeling pretty upbeat and positive myself. About lots of things.

Like jobs. And free movies. And the rain.

1 comment:

Scrapworthy said...

Oh - I wish it would rain here!
We were supposed to get some yesterday, but I think it evaporated before it ever hit the ground. It's just too darn HOT! :(