Saturday, July 14, 2007

Is a headache an indicator of lameness?

If so, I have been oh-so-seriously lame, lame like nobody's freaking business.

Yes, indeed. That lame.

Actually, I've spent a great deal of time this past week not doing anything much in the evenings because every time the evening rolls around, I start to feel kind of dizzy and headachy. I'm not sure if it's because my blood pressure medication is just a bit too much for me (I just took it and it's around 108/77 or so, which isn't that it?) or if it's because I'm not drinking quite enough water or if it's due entirely to some other unknown source.

Like a brain tumor.

(Ha. No, I don't really think it's a brain tumor. Not really. Uhm. Hmm...)

But whatever the cause, these headaches are making me behave in a distinctly anti-social manner. For instance, last night I was all set to go see To Kill a Mockingbird, but when the time to depart rolled around, I felt all headachy and didn't want to do anything but eat spaghetti and sleep. In that order.

And earlier, on Wednesday, I could have gone swing dancing, but after institute I felt dizzy and (surprise) headachy and decided that the best thing would be to go home and mope--er, I mean--rest.

So. I have been making choices, based on my hurting head, that have made me feel rather more lame than not.

So tonight, will I allow that aching head to rule me? Will I prevent myself from participating in enjoyable activities because I feel tired and vaguely dizzy? Will I sit at home and read a book or cross-stitch in a decidedly lame manner simply because I don't feel much like doing anything else because I've had a headache since about 3 o'clock?

Well. Yes. Yes, I probably will.

Because, you see, I've decided to accept myself for who I am, and who I am is just a little bit, on occasion, somewhat lame.

And that's okay, dang it. Or at least, it had better be.


Anonymous said...

If your blood pressure reading was accurate, you probably shouldn't be taking any more medication. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 or below. Now, I don't know if the fact that you were on medication affects that--if that just means that your meds lowered your blood pressure into the normal range--but it would be worth seeing a doctor or at least talking with one. Usually, a doctor's visit even without insurance is only about 65$, and it may be lower depending on where you go.

Anonymous said...

Also, blood pressure readings vary throughout the day, as would the potency of your medication probably. I think blood pressure is usually lowest in the morning, highest at night.
I don't know enough to give really good advice here. I do know that you have been dieting and exercising for so long that it could very well have affected your bp. At the very least, you may need to have the dosage on your medication adjusted. Please talk with someone more knowledgeable.

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Actually, the last time I spoke with my doctor, he told me that they're now shooting for 110/70 as the ideal bp. (Go figure; they'll just keep on lowering the thing until we're all passed out in a dead faint, methinks.)

He also suggested I go down to half a pill every day, which I've been doing for the past few months. He did mention that, if my bp was fine after awhile of that, I should try 1/2 pill every other day. I haven't done that yet, but I may if this keeps going on. I'll keep checking my readings though, just to see how they look in the mornings & on different days.

Thanks much for your concern! And your advice is perfectly sound. :)