Sunday, July 22, 2007

And what change may we now effect?

Just watched A Man for All Seasons.

Feeling a little discouraged about humanity.

Wondering how to fix said discouragement. Any thoughts?

Edit: Okay. I just remembered church today. That helped. But seriously--weigh in if possible.


Pat said...

One constant fact in life is that humanity will and often does disappoint. But tonight within the walls of my home, with my family gathered around, things were warm and fuzzy and really really good. We must hold on to those things!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Our world is full of good and evil, both small and great. Our attitude depends largely on which we choose to focus on.

Bad things happen, but so do good things. There are many bad people in this world, but also many that are good, kind, and faithful. When the bad stuff gets me down, I try to remember all the good stuff I'm blessed to experience.