Okay. The above picture and a few of the following will be views of my room. The above was (obviously) taken from the bed, looking at the assortment of books that have actually arrived from the post office. Oh. And also my laptop is there too.
Above is the view from the corner (where you can see a mirror in the other shot). And below is a view from the hallway into my room.
And here is me sitting on that bed in my room after setting up my camera on the A/C unit in the window and then timing it so that I look composed and settled for my picture.
Um. Yay, me!
Okay. Here's more of the apartment:
Above is one view of the kitchen. And yes, that is a coffee pot. And no, I haven't used it. Yeesh.
Above is another view of the kitchen, slightly to the right of the last view. (I wanted y'all to see that there round table. It's pretty cool. And, like, round.)
'K. That's a picture (slighly fuzzy) of the bathroom (which, thank goodness, is not fuzzy). Oh! And that reminds me: I discovered this morning that the nice, nice and (kind of) expensive towel I bought leaves dark blue fuzzies all over. Yucky.
Okay. Just to give you a sense of how long this apartment is, this is a view from the bathroom looking down the hallway. The first opening to the right (from whence light shineth) is my room and the opening to the left (which you can't really see, sorry) is the kitchen. The family room (or common room--not sure what to call it) is one opening further down the hall from my room. You can see the room below:
And here's another view of the common room taken while I sat in the corner of that couch you can see above:
What's awesome about the room (besides the nice, big TV and the VCR/DVD player you can't see but I can and I'll use it, too) are the awesome bookshelves to the right. Because, seriously. You can't have too many bookshelves.
And here's a mirror shot of me. Because mirror shots are just always so much fun. Yep. That's me. Hanging out in my apartment in the Boston area.
Still can't believe it all. Not yet. I need to wander around much, much more before I feel like I'm really here.