Tuesday, May 01, 2007

How to get over being cross:

I have discovered a secret today. (It's not, of course, The Secret, (which, I'm sorry, but What the HECK?) but is, I believe, a pretty good one, with or without commas,,,,,,,.) (Obviously, I have not yet learned the secret of good editing.)

In any case, I discovered a secret. And the secret is how to get yourself out of that irritable cross feeling that settles somewhere between your shoulder blades and turns you into a snapping monster with really sharp canines. Which I was today. (Except for the canines part.)

I guess part of it started at work where I had a bit of a run-in with a coworker. She was unhappy with me (and justly so) and told me pretty straitforwardly that she was unhappy, after which I sat at my desk shaking, trying to convince myself that being angry was not, in fact, the best response to the situation.

Then, this evening, on the drive home from work, I picked up my dad (we're short on cars at the moment) and he teased me about my driving. Which I responded to with rather more vehement opposition than was warranted by his remarks.

Then, later on this evening, I got into a minor tiff with my mom. About not watching a TV show. (Yeah. Pretty important stuff, there.)

So, what was the cause of my irritation? Was it that altercation with the coworker? Was it the sense that my weight-loss is stalling? Was it the fact that I'm female and thus am subject to uncontrollable mood swings?


It was none of these.

(Hehe. 'None of these.' That reminds me of a BBC spoof of old British educational films. Check out Maths; you may see what I'm chuckling about.)

Um. Where was I?

Ah, yes. My bad mood was (as I realized tonight) caused by a rather unsettling feeling that I had things I needed to do to secure myself a spot to live in Boston. Things to do, moreover, which I had not yet done. And which...I felt...unsettled about.

(Bah. I'm tired and can't write properly.)

Some time ago, my aunt gave me the names & email addresses of two single women who live in the Boston area who could give me information about singles wards & who might be listing apartments, etc., etc. However, before tonight, I had not contacted these good women. Why? Because I'm socially awkward.

However, (hurrah!) tonight I emailed them both! And I was charming! (Well, as charming as you can be in emails. Also, I used the smiley face too much. :) See?) But at least now I've reached out my hand in fellowship and...er...asking-questionsenship. So now, I feel like I've done all I can at the moment. I've met my goals; I've accomplished the things I needed to get done.

And that makes me feel decidedly less cross.

(That was the secret. Just in case you missed it.)


Lindsay said...

It's so true. I always feel so much better when I am able to cross things off my list of things to do. And the bigger the thing I crossed off, the better I feel. It's weird, but hey, it works. :)

Joanna said...

I have never read/heard/seen someone describe "The Secret" as well as you, my deary. I just wanted to say thank you.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Funny how things in the back of your mind can impact everything in the front of it, too.