Thursday, August 02, 2007

Personal Daemons

As mentioned before, I've been getting into Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass in preparation for the movie coming out this December. So, as part of said getting-into-it-edness, I've decided to create my own personal daemon, with the help of the movie's website.

Let me introduce you:

(On my first try, I got a spider. So I'm much happier about having on osprey, lemme tell you.)

If you'd like, go ahead & create your own daemon. It's rather revealing. And oh, so much fun.


Your Name said...

I did the little daemon thing, pretty nifty in my opinion. The first time I did it, I got a crow, but the analysis didn't fit who I I tried again and answered as honestly as I could and got a fox.

Pat said...

Very interesting....

Debbie Barr said...

I got a type of wildcat. It was fun.

Anonymous said...

I got a tiger. Odd--I've never liked them much. Other cats, yes.

I have lots of conflicted feelings about these books. I've read a lot of Pullman's stuff. He's good, but I really couldn't identify with the emergent theme/ plot element of religion (especially Christianity) being so very twisted, power hungry, and ultimately, God and the angels being evil. Definitely, much evil has been done in God's name, and there have been twisted power-hungry churches, but he doesn't need any more bad publicity.

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Agreed, Cathy. I found his treatment of, not just religion, but the things behind religion rather repugnant. I value the books for their imaginative qualities though; I'm finding it hard to reconcile my extreme attraction with my extreme dislike.