Monday, August 20, 2007

And one really teeny headache later...

Today I trained at my new job.

Now, job training is something that is peculiar to itself; I don't think there are many other instances when you're inundated with quite as much information in as short a span a time.

Fortunately, the people I'll be working with are patient and friendly and repeatedly assured me that I won't be required to have everything down pat right away.

Thank goodness.

However, despite feeling overwhelmed and a little short-circuited, I'm also feeling excited (really excited) about getting started in this job. Just being able to work in a library again is giving me a huge sense of coming-home-ed-ness, returning to what I really want to do with my life. And I'm sure starting classes in a couple of weeks will be just as overwhelming/enjoyable.


Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Good luck. I'm glad you found a job you like that will provide good experience. It's much more fulfilling than just working to pay the bills.

Debbie Barr said...

How ironic. I'm training someone else at work tomorrow! I'm so excited, Beth, my last day is on Friday! *shouts of joy*

And yay for starting your new jorb! You rock, sister dear.

Pat said...

How exciting!...a library - in Boston! as opposed to the library in our little town which has approximately 6 books...
Hope it all works out wonderfully for you!

Mama M said...

My dear, I can think of only one circumstance that requires one to assimilate more information more quickly than training in a new job. It is house hunting. Dad and I have walked through about 35 houses in the past week, and my brain is FRIED!. It is sensory overload on a big scale. Wish us luck, and a lot of help and inspiration. Love, Mama