Monday, April 16, 2007

Being Happy

I've spent some time today thinking about what it means to be happy, mostly because I spent a lot of the day feeling slightly miserable and sorry for myself. I even started ticking things off in my head, as if I were keeping a list:

Reasons to be unhappy:
  • In 16 months I will be a 30-year-old spinster.
  • I work in customer service.
  • My hair is wacky.
  • I feel like I'm coming down with a cold. Again.
  • I have to do laundry today. And I'm coming down with a cold. Again.
  • I'm a chicken.
  • I do stuff wrong.

However, as I tallied my list, I realized that there were reasons to be happy that were in direct opposition to the list above.

Reasons to be happy:

  • I woke up this morning to the sound of rain, which made me feel languid and peaceful.
  • I exercised this morning. (Even though I'm coming down with a cold. Again.)
  • Sunlight glowing through young green things is a lovely, lovely sight.
  • I'm going to be in Boston this fall.
  • I had marinara sauce tonight.
  • I indexed two batches tonight.
  • My mom likes me.
  • I manage to do some stuff right.
  • (Most important) God is there. And despite my stupidity and chickenness and despite the fact that I'm probably coming down with a cold, (again), He still loves me. Amazingly.

So. Does that make me an unhappy or happy person?

I think overall I'm happy. I allow myself to be unhappy too often, but I think that when it comes down to it, when I shuck all the outside garbage off, I'm happy.

I am.

That's kind of a cool thing.


Kimberly Bluestocking said...

I'd never heard of indexing before. That's pretty cool.

As for the the happiness thing, I once read something to the effect that the main cause of unhappiness is the mistaken belief that things are never supposed to go wrong in life. So when they DO go wrong (all the time), we say "Shoot! That isn't supposed to happen! I'll sure be happy when everything in my life is perfect." Which it never is.

As you said, the trick is to recognize that there are always good AND bad things in life, and embrace the good. Noses run and babies cry, but we really are healthy most of the time, and toothless baby grins are so dang cute. Aren't we lucky?

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Name indexing is completely awesome. It's easy (well, sometimes) and strangely addictive. If you're interested in doing it, you can talk to your ward's family history specialist (or whatever they call it nowadays).

Anyway--and you're completely right about happiness. Focusing on the good things about life (and there are numerous good things, once you get started couting them) helps you to see just how lucky we are.

And we are very.

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Er. I meant 'couNting them.' I do know how to spell. (Usually.) I just apparently have trouble typing.

Anonymous said...

So, its late and I should be in bed but instead I'm reading your blog (I hope you feel special!) When I read your line about marinara sauce...I swear it said Marijuana sauce. I was really confused for a minute. It really is late.....really....

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Haha! :) Yeah. That would have made me even happier. And, erm, munchier. I think.