But my favorite spams are the ones where bits of text are pasted together into one long email, usually with a couple of attachments that I never, ever, ever open. Ever. (Seriously. I'm not stupid, people.)
I usually just trash them, but this one I just had to share:
"I silver ramal say he is about burned a myth," replied Albert, "and neverh "I say, that when a crush metal dived thing fish completely surpassesmy crossly The supper choke unfasten consisted of a touch roast pheasantgarnished"Yes, your excellency."
"Bless extend paint below me!" exclaimed square Caderousse, "fiftythousand To be ridden kept in ugly strict built solitary suddenlyconfinement, and to coach pray Beneath these lines different smash waswritten in another hand: "
"No," music replied cautious the abb, cuddly "it was roll not of such a size"And argument stage what may a house myth force be?" inquiredPastrini. outstanding "Well, then, trick yesterday right let us sup."Franzrubbed his open rapidly eyes in thought name order to assure himself tcutwound "But near the swim carriage and horses?" said Franz.
Of course there's more, but really: "'But near the swim carriage and horses?' said Franz???" Not to mention "'Bless extend paint below me!' exlaimed square Caderousse..."
Haha! Oh, haha! Yeah. Those spammers really kill me.