Tuesday, February 27, 2007

How sexy can a vampire be?


If I wrote a vampire novel (and I don't think I'm quite up to it) I would never, ever be able to write a vampire quite as sexy as Edward Cullen.

He's...he's very...um...like he's good at kissing & stuff.

In short, he is pretty much the perfect, ideal romantic lead. (Except for that whole vampire thing.)

And yet... And yet, I can't quite help feeling a little unsatisfied... Edward is romantic, protective, gorgeous, fast, strong, and pretty much the perfect man (except for that whole vampire thing), and maybe that's the problem.

Because honestly, despite his interest in classical music & his fantastic piano-playing ability, and despite the fact that he can read minds, (sorry for all the Twilight spoilers here...), he kind of strikes me as a little bland. (I mean--aside from that whole vampire thing.)

And speaking of that vampire thing, is that where all of the interest comes from? An otherwise uninterestingly fabulously handsome man becomes suddenly interesting because he could kill you and suck your blood instead of kiss you at any time?

I'm sorry, but I just need something more. Some sort of flaw. Like big ears, or...a little teeny obsessive compulsive disorder, or an unsightly mole on his chin, something to make a fellow more...well...human.

(Which is pretty much impossible because of the whole vampire thing.)



Nemesis said...

Hey, I'll stick around just for the kissin'. Because, um . . . yeah.

Anonymous said...

You're pretty picky Beth. You want flaws but being a vampire isn't the right sort of flaw. You're so hard to please! Picky picky picky!

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Moles! Moles are where it's at! Why can't you people see?!?

However...erm...the kissing thing...nice. Very.

Pat said...

Oh Beth - not you too!!! ("sucked" into that book!)
...I feel so alone...(sob)

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Pat, you could jooooooiiinnn uuuuuussssss....

Mwa haha!


Heidi said...

Okay...so I know this post is like holy hecka old, but I found it randomly and just have to say that I TOTALLY AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU JUST WROTE! I read Twilight and New Moon on my trip to Nauvoo and even though the Edward parts had me drooling all over the page...there's just something a bit too...pristine? cut and dry? about that whole relationship with Bella thing... That's all. (P.S. I am SO stoked to talk to you in the Fall about like, pretty much everything in the universe. You're hilarious and smart and amazing! That is all)