Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Well, this would have been mini-epiphany #2...

One thing I love about blogging is how people can sometimes totally scoop you.

Because this is me too!

Yes. I, too, have recently just given up. Period.

And while being scooped makes me feel angsty in some ways, it also makes me feel befriended in a friendless world.

Or at least not the only single who's given up in a married world.

Something like that.


Janan said...

Well, I think she phrased it well. However, you must also think of the people who are married but may not be so happy! So, truthfully maybe the single people out there have struck dumb luck also at avoiding an unhappy marriage! Remember, on 50% of marriages survive . . . . so, I vote go about life achieving all you can and if the someone is BRIGHT enough to find you, great! Otherwise, good grief party it up single!!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

My biggest regret about my single years is that I spent so much stress and worry on something (i.e. marriage) that I had so little control over. Enjoy singlehood while it lasts. :)

Lindsay said...

I second Kimberly's comment. It's not my biggest regret, persay, but I do feel that I spent a whole lot of time obsessing over crushes that weren't reciprocated. Finally, after one incredibly unsuccessful (in my view anyway) group date with one of my longer crushes, I decided to throw in the towel. I went cold turkey and, I kid you not, Blake came around and we started dating less than 2 months later. It was like I needed to give up in order to get myself prepared to let someone else, someone better, come along. So, good luck with the giving up. Don't let it get you down because you never know what just-around-the-corner will have in store for you. :)

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Good advice, all of you!

And also, hearing that 'the one' frequently shows up after giving up is interesting; I'll have to see if I'm an exception to the rule or not. :)