Thursday, September 27, 2007

I know you don't need another thing to suck time away, BUT:

You seriously have got to see this:

If you read up on your Blogger Buzz, you fellow bloggers you, you may have already found out about this. But for those of you who haven't, or who aren't really bloggers, or who are bloggers but just aren't Blogger bloggers, I have provided the above link.

What I find really intriguing about this concept is that it provides a snapshot (literally) into the lives of numerous people. There's something appealing about the anonymity of it all, and although you could turn on the "show info" feature, (which gives you the user profile of the person who uploaded the pic as well as a snippet of the accompanying blog post), I almost prefer to watch the faces and scenes go by and wonder, who is that bald man with a goatee and why is he standing in a kitchen with a tub of salad? Who is that couple in their 50s wearing straw hats and sunscreen and smiling at the camera as though they're having the time of their lives? Why did someone take a picture of that shoe?

It just serves as a reminder that every day we connect tangentally with hundreds and potentially even thousands of individuals, each of whose lives are so absorbing and so intricate that it takes an entire person to live them. Seeing just tiny glimpses of these people (and the things they consider important enough to blog about) is suddenly making me fall in love with humanity all over again.

(And I really, really hope that you don't find any pictures of nekked people on there because I would just feel terribly guilty about it.)

Edit: I just saw the photo from this post being uploaded and--ohmygoodness. If I had had milk in my mouth it surely would have spewed out of my nose.


Lindsay said...

Cool site. And I's amazing to see in just how many ways we are connected to so many people. That's something about blogs that I quite like...I've met lots of fabulous people through them who I wouldn't have otherwise.

Debbie Barr said...

Beth, thanks a lot for that last photo. You almost made me bust out laughing in the middle of the computer lab. I ended up chuckling as quietly as possible, and hunched over my computer. The guy next to me is giving me weird looks... ;)

P.S. I did see one nekked person, but that was before you posted the link, and thusfar I've not found any others. Although the one you posted was close.... ;)

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Random, yet personal. I like it.