Monday, September 10, 2007

Two things:

First, a conversation I had with myself this morning:

Setting: I was washing dishes at our kitchen sink, my hair still wet from showering, and the hot water I was using was starting to steam things up a little.

First part of brain: What the--I'm sweating!
Second part of brain: Yep.
First part: Gross!
Second part: Yep.
First part: Oh. Well...yeah. I guess that's all I have to say about that.
Second part: *smiles*

Frankly, it's always a little disturbing when one has a conversation with oneself. Also, it's really great when one part of your brain says something, and another part responds with, "Oh, I totally agree!" And then you realize that you've just agreed with yourself.

(I'll tell ya--it makes you feel a leeeetle bit crazy.)

Second thing:

My hand kept going numb while I was washing said dishes. I'm not sure if it was reacting to the heat of the water (what? weird.) or to the presence of fish scales in the stuff I was washing (ew! fish scales!) or if just decided that being numb was a good state? Because...because...... Er...

Because, apparently, it has a mind of its own? ('Cause there seem to be plenty of minds to be had within this one frame of mine. And I guess I'll be lucky if they all agree all the time.)

And now you will make comments saying that you can no longer be friends with me because I have numb hands and a tendency to agree with myself. Well. Fine. But before you go, just ask yourself if you've ever done the same thing; you may be surprised by what you'll tell yourself.


Pat said...

Sorry Beth, you're right - that's just too weird - I can't take it any more.

yes I can
no I can't
yes I can
no I can't

...Oh, ok - I guess I'll stick around!
LOL - too funny! Thanks for the giggle!

Your Name said...

*blinks* Now I have to leave...



I just realized I had no better place to go. Smile Beth! I guess it turns out that I still like you.

Lindsay said...

Sometimes my pinky toes get numb of their own accord. And I can't even blame my shoes because it often happens when I'm barefoot. Weird.

But what's not weird are conversations with yourself. I personally have them frequently. :)

Anonymous said...

Yah. You're right Beth. Talking to yourself is totally normal. Just the other day I was on the metro sitting next to this totally normal guy who a few minutes later started yelling and pointing at his reflection in the glass, "oh no you DIDn't!!! murmer, murmer, WHAT? murmer murmer murmer." I was going to get up and run away but it occured to me that he might be crazy and get mad if I got up but didn't get off...and I was I just kept sitting there. I'm glad to know now though that talking to yourself is, in fact, quite normal. Whew! ;)

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

I tend to talk to my baby more than to myself these days, but last week I seriously needed a stern talking-to, so I gave myself one. It actually helped considerably.

Probably faked out the neighbors, though.