Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mini-Epiphany #1

To make this all easier on everybody (including myself) I've decided to numerate my mini-epiphanies and concentrate on each individually so I can fully explore the topic at hand.

Also, in honor of International Talk Like a Pirate Day, I may interject the occasional "Arrr" or "Avast" into my discussions, ye landlubbers.

The first mini-epiphany I'd like to mention is my recent realization that I actually want to pursue a career. (Arrr.)

I'm not sure why it took me so long to figure out; I mean, there I was, gearing up to attend a highly specific professional program (i.e. library school, ye scurvy dogs!), getting all ready to go into debt for thousands of dollars to attend said school, and I was still thinking only in terms of, "This is my plan B. If plan A (i.e. marriage and little babies (i.e. bein' a wench and poppin' out mite tykes)) comes along, I'll drop it like the bung from me barrel o' grog."

Except that I realized recently that I don't just want to go to school to become a librarian, suddenly get married and then settle down to raise children and never make use of the schooling I've gotten while waiting around for Plan A to take place. Arr.

I actually want to be a librarian; I want to work with children and help them find not only books that can meet their needs for school, but books that will help them to love reading and develop an enthusiasm for learning about the world around them. I want to work in a library, be surrounded by books, interact with others of my profession who are as enthusiastic about both books and the importance of encouraging others to read them as I am.

And also, I want to make a nice, tidy salary (i.e. garner a lot o' booty, arr).

Fortunately, I am not yet married. I am not yet even dating anyone. So I haven't yet had to work out for myself (or work out with me spouse, arrr) what exactly I'm going to do if Plan A ever wanders in and says, "Oh, sorry. Were you expecting me earlier? Just had to pop out for a spot of something, you know. Whot, whot?" (Because, of course, Plan A would be a Brit (aka Crumpet-eating Poodle Dog if you're a Pirate Queen, arr!).) And Plan B is currently going, well, according to plan.

But the conundrum exists. And currently, I don't know how to solve it. So, if you have any thoughts, feel free to pipe in. (And feel free to flex your piratical lexicon as well, if ye be so inclined.)



Palomita said...

Well, it is a conundrum. I think that most women who marry and have kids, and an education, too, want to use it. The great news is, you can use the education with the kids. The bad news is, they don't give you a lot of validation or money. But, it is fun to see them loving the things you love. Lately I've played librarian with Bekah, and bought a whole bunch of books I loved as a kid. She's reading 101 Dalmations (the original, NOT disney), and I'm reading her Understood Betsy. Quite fun. Also very fun for her to be loving piano lessons so much.

Other alternatives are, working part time, working from home, and other opportunities not yet known. The best news is, you don't need to worry about how to fit in the kids and the career yet. Just love what you're doing now, and the rest will come later. I've been amazed at how blessed I've been to be able to work and stay at home with my kids.

(arrrrr! - sorry not much practice in talking like a pirate, but lots of practice in reading in a British accent)

Pat said...

Ahoy there! Thanks fer remindin' me that it be a holiday!
...ok, I really stink at this...
Anyway, it never hurts to be prepared to support yourself - even if "plan A" does come along. This world is such an uncertain place - you just never know what's around that next bend. One of my biggest regrets has been that I didn't do just that! Where I've had to work most of my marriage, it would have been nice to at least make a decent wage! It's so great that you're doing what you love! So, go for it!
...And why are pirates pirates? Because they Arrrrr....
(Tee hee!)

Anonymous said...

What is a pirate's favorite Bible story? A: Noah and the Arrrrrk.
What is a pirate's favorite subject in school? A: Arrrrt
Knock Knock.
Who's There?
Arrrr Who?
Arrrn't you glad this was my last joke in honor of "International Talk Like a Pirate Day?" too!
And don't worry about careers Beth. You'll know what to do when its decision time, plus, just because Pirate Queen's have to give up being a pirate because they miss their kids and hubby (who don't like doesn't mean that us regular folk can't use our smarts with our own kids, their friends, and their scout troops. My mom managed to use her education while raising us kids and is continuing to do so now, just minus a lot of money. She volunteered in our schools and activities my whole life. You have too much to stress about to include this on the list. (I know because I did the same thing just a few months ago!) :) You're terrific Beth and will find a way to make good use of your education no matter what your future holds! ARrr...I believe in ye!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

As my Grandpa Sorenson says, "One day at a time, sweet Jesus." Don't drive yourself crazy trying to plan for a totally unpredictable future. Just work on what's on your plate now, and the Lord will help you work the rest out as it comes along.

Janan said...

Arrrr! I guess I will weigh in on this too! You are talking to the plan a/plan b girl. Yeah yeah yeah! I married the man who "waited." Except, after you, he dumped me for another girl. Needless to say, I did the plan B and well, he found his marbles, straightened them up! However, I stuck to plan B for the career and education. Finished my Master's degree while pregnant and worked on my thesis with a newborn. Taught school for 3 years, and because I had done my education stuff and my career stuff, I don't feel like I need to go seek it out. I know I can make it in that realm and more fully enjoy baby now because of it!

So, here is the short of the long, sort of! Do plan B, if plan A seems to find his way there, you will have achieved something! WHAT A CATCH YOU ARE!! But, we have to live for ourselves not for others, live your dreams! But, don't forget dreams can changed!! You may decide, hey I can afford to stay home and guess what, I have achieved in my career, so I am fine with just being a mom!

I have lots of friends who just did the mom thing and all of them are trying to find a way to do a career thing no because they have never done it. They feel something is missing. I have done it, feel accomplished in it, and now I am just pleased at pudding to be home with babe!

Janan said...

One more thing, BOYS ARE DUMB AND JUST COMPLICATE LIFE!! But, if my husband is reading this . . . yes, you add to life too! But, they aren't everything!! Here is the other beauty of it, you can change you plan every 4 months!! At the end of each semester you get a chance to re-evaluate you dream! Yeah! That is exciting!! The world is full of possiblities to you!