Monday, September 17, 2007

So, my lack of posting does not necessarily indicate a desire not to blog.

In fact, I would like to post to my blog LOTS.

Because I, in fact, have had plentiful mini-epiphanies (and one very big epiphany) over the past few days.

But I find that I have suddenly become a genuinely very busy girl, and so find myself unable to take the time to explore topics here the way I'd really like to.

So. Erm. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves. And, you know, get yourself a donut or something.

Because it may be awhile.

(But, I promise, I'll post something thought-provoking as soon as I can.)


Your Name said...

*looks around for a donut* Wish I could find the donuts you were talking about...I'll just have to settle with a cookie. .. you have msn messenger?

Debbie Barr said...


Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Funny - I've been struggling to post as much as usual, too. I'll be patient with you if you'll be patient with me. :)

Christian said...

Something must be wrong with me--I'm working on a couple of depressing posts, to add to my already large collection of depressing posts. Maybe I should write about, I don't know, puppies or something.

Mama M said...

Avast there, me matey, Be ye rememberin' that today (Wed Sept 19) be International Talk Like a Pirate Day? ARRR! Don't ye be thinkin' that a busy life means ye can be neglectin' the things that really matter, like talkin' like a pirate. ARRR! I would be likin' to be a fly on the wall at yer high falutin' library full o' books when ye be talkin' pirate talk to all yer landlubber book lovers there. Avast and shiver me timbers, but that would fair sportin' Pirates Rule the Seas! ARRRRRRR!!!!!!

Heidi said...

Um...if that's your mom...then you have the coolest mom ever. And if it's not your mom, you have the coolest blog reader everrrrr.

Lizardbreath McGee said...

It is my mom, who is, indeed, THE coolest mom ever. (And arrr--I've just posted a little somethin' ye might be interested in readin' if ye be piratically inclined.)