Tuesday, June 12, 2007

But why bring zombies into your post-apocalyptic coolness?

I have a confession to make.

I like post-apocalyptic movies.

Maybe it's just that I like seeing familiar things like skyscrapers and school buses crumbling into dust in distant (or not too distant) futures; the juxtaposition with reality when you walk out of the movie theater is stunning. It's more than that, of course. Civilizations fall. Inevitably. I'm always curious to see what people have imagined for the fall of our own.

So, when I saw this trailer, I felt pretty excited. Until I read a blurb about it.

For crying out loud. The last man in the world thing is dang cool. However, having the other remaining humans turn into blood-lusting carnivores is just not. (And holy heck--what's up with that anyway? Are they supposed to be vampires? Zombies? I hate vampires. Almost as much as I hate zombies. Because they're lame.) It's too old hat. It's too much been done before.

The only problem is that, at this moment, I can't think of a better plot. So what would you do with the 'Last Man in the World' scenario? Besides doing that whole stupid human-to-monster thing?


Debbie Barr said...

I'm sorry, Beth. That does stink. And you're right, there IS something about that... thinking about life like that. Absolutely horrifying, and yet you can't stop thinking about it.

And I really hope Will Smith isn't the last man on Earth. I don't know if he properly represents the human race, despite his acting skills.

Anonymous said...

My dear, You are entirely aware that the only movies I really consider to be worthwhile are adaptations of witty and sophisticated stage plays of the "drawing room comedy" genre. When I watched this clip my thoughts turned to questions such as "So how does he pump gasoline into that sporty little red number anyway?" And also, "Why does EVERY 'mankind in peril' movie have to have a DOG?" Yawn, yawn, and double yawn. Give me Mr. Darcy any day.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Come to think of it, the pre-Lizzie Mr. Darcy probably wouldn't have minded being the last man on Earth. That way he wouldn't have had to deal with so many insufferable ninnies.

I think the reason the last man on earth usually has a dog is because we all crave SOME companionship. If he didn't have a dog, he might start talking to a volleyball like Tom Hanks in "Castaway."

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Well, he's not a bad representative. Although, he does have kind of that rapping history that makes me slightly dubious...

Mom, you're absolutely right. Why can't a 'mankind in peril' movie involve an ostrich? An ostrich that is a companion and help to said mankind. And dies in the end in a tragic ball of flame?

And Kim, I agree about the companionship thing. And it can be hard to find an appropriate volleyball during a an enormous everybody-dies type of disaster.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

I don't know about the ostrich - if I'm going to have a post-apocolyptic animal companion, I'd want something that was useful and had a brain bigger than its eyeball. Like an alpaca, for example - good source of wool, handy for transporting baggage, and it would help you fight off the coyotes.

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Oooh. I didn't know an alpaca could help fight off coyotes. But that would be handy. Especially if you had a nice, big supply of koolaid packets leftover from the apocalypse.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

True - dyeing the alpaca hot pink might scare the zombies away. Good thinking.