Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Oh. Well, goodbye, again.

I'm flying out tomorrow, you know. Probably leaving tonight on the T with my luggage, coat slung over one arm and an umbrella held over it all.

I'll be at the airport for a long time. Without internet access, is what I'm trying to say.

So I won't be able to blog or email you.

I'll just be...

Cut off.

But you'll be alright. Separation is most painful right at the beginning. And by the time you start to feel the pain of my being gone, I'll be right back in the seat of my computer chair, ready to tell you about my trip.

And about how good it is to be home.


Debbie Barr said...


I can't wait.

Have a safe trip, dearie!

Lindsay said...

Have a safe trip!! And Merry Christmas!!!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Happy Christmas, Ms. McGee.

Anonymous said...

Beth, you're on your way home!! I have been trying to call your family's house to get your address in Boston to send you a Christmas card and I'll I could get was a message saying that they're number was disconnected. So then, I thought I would try contacting you using your blog to get your address for this Christmas card, but if you're coming home then please call me or e-mail me ASAP!! My phone # is 465-3095 and my e-mail is Love ya! Kellie Robison/Staheli