Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Pesto and Smarties

Fear not, noble readers, lest you fear from the above title that I have committed a candy cuisine travesty. Rest assured, I did not eat my smarties with pesto.

And while we're on the subject, can I just say that smarties really are nothing like antacid tablets? Oh, sure. They may have that same chewable dissolve-y-ness, they may both have that same kind of powdery exterior, but oh, my friend. Smarties unfortunately lack that peculiar anti-acid power that antacids seem to carry in abundance. (Lucky antacids. All the smarties wish they had that power.)

I found this to my sorrow this evening, where, as I sat at my computer, trying to come up with fabulous designs for stuff, which I'm still acutally not very good at, and no I will not go into more detail than that, I found that that Turkey & Basil & Pesto sandwich I had for lunch had caused an uproar in my stomach. No, not a sick, yucky uproar, but a burning sensation in my lower esophagus, which caused me to clench the sides of my chair with my white-knuckled fists and declare soberly, "I can't believe I ate the whole thing."

And now I only have smarties to cure me. Sigh. But the pesto was worth it. Oh, so worth it. Ohhhhhhh yeah. And the smarties t'aint bad neither.


Lizardbreath McGee said...

So, I had the sandwich again. And it was still pretty good, although it wasn't transcendent. Oh, I'm sorry. Did I mention that the pesto (and basil--forgot to mention the basil) came from a Wendy's sandwich? What a way to have a profound experience.

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Oh. I just checked. And, I did mention the sandwich. And the basil. Go figure.

But there were also red peppers on the sandwich. Betcha didn't know THAT already. Unless you've eaten one. Yeah. I guess that would give it away.

Anonymous said...

Probably would.