Sunday, May 21, 2006

A Blog, Baby-Sized.

While I fully support, nay, encourage the documentation and photographic-evidence-collection of the growing-up years of young children, and while the internet is really a nice, sure-fire way of storing said documents and photographic evidence, and while babies are really undoubtedly cute...

Still, is it necessary to create a blog 'written' by a baby who, from the evidence of the photographs, is perhaps not yet a year old?

We are of course living in an age where the 'fully competent' age of the average computer user is steadily declining. According to research printed in the New York Baby Times (a completely fictional, yet widely read publication), the average age of computer company CEO's was (as of March 2006) roughly 3 years and 2 months.

However, having a baby who is not only savvy enough to type up a blog by himself, but competent enough to navigate the complicated byways of the Blogger domain (i.e. can insert pictures into the text) is enough to stretch the gullibility of even this astute reader (i.e. Me).

However, if you must visit the site, simply to see if this baby could possibly have written his own blog, or to test the cuteness of said baby (I think he rates at least a 9 on a scale of 1-10--a 10 in the bike helmet), then CLICK HERE. However, be forewarned--there are a couple of shots of him clad in nothing but a diaper. Also, there are a couple of graphic pictures of a violent hailstorm. Don't say I didn't warn you.


Anonymous said...

OK, I'll concede the baby's pretty cute, but my favorite picture was the one of his dad in the funky mask. Maybe when I have my own baby, I'll be more moved by photos of a toddler contemplating an apple slice or smearing strained carrots on his face.

More specifically, maybe I'll be more captivated by them after my own baby arrives in seven months. Actually, I'll probably be too busy taking my own photos of our baby's every movement and facial expression. And sending them to my mom so she can be entranced by them.

Incidentally, Baby Hendrickson is due to arrive December 25. Poor child--doomed to a lifetime of combination birthday/Christmas presents.

Anonymous said...

I have to ask--couldn't you wait two more days? After all, I managed to have a baby due July 9th ;-)
Kim, I am excited and happy. I would love to spend some time talking with you, but have no phone number. Do you think you could call me sometime? If you get my answering machine, please leave your number, and then I can stalk you.

Becca said...

Yay! So many babies! How exciting. Incidentally, Christian, if you read this, Heidi is also pregnant. Crazy, huh?

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Whoa, whoa. I draw the line at stalking. Er, I mean, at least stalking that begins with my blog. Incidentally, do you remember the primary song that goes... "And [something] begins with me!" Except, I can't remember what that "something" is! Stalking maybe?

Okay--sorry about the digression--KIM! I AM SO THRILLED THAT YOU'RE EXPECTING A BABY! Phew! Enough of that 'all caps' mode. But seriously, I gasped! Out loud! And I'm grinning right now! (Note to self: install web cam. (Note to self: Just Kidding. Seriously.))

My brother's birthday is actually on Dec. 24th, and he actually seems to be pretty ok with it. The important thing is that he/she will have tremendously FANtabulous parents--YOU! :^D

And Becca--holy something (stalking?)! Heidi's pregnant???? Where is she living now, anyway? Pass along my congrats if you talk with her anytime soon! (If she remembers me... Hm...)

Anonymous said...

"So I say to myself, remember this/ Kindness begins with me." Funny--I never realized how poignant Primary songs were when I was actually in Primary. It's only in later years that I occasionally remember a line from one of them and think, "Wow--that's profound."

Like the kindness line. At work lately I've noticed how refreshing it is to talk to a friendly person on the phone, or see someone step onto the subway with a smile on their face rather than the jaded, blank expression of most cubicle dwellers. Interacting with cheerful people makes me happier, and reminds me that if I make an effort to be cheerful, maybe I can lift other people, too. Kindness really can begin with me (as well as the smiling, bearded guy on the train yesterday).

As for the issue of Baby Hendrickson's due date, it sounds like we have a lot of notable December birthdays to choose from. Phillip's is Dec 28, and if our baby comes Dec 23 he/she will share a birthday with Joseph Smith. We'll see. I'm rooting for December 18, myself, just so we'll all have recovered somewhat in time to enjoy Christmas. Boring, I know.

I think it's time for me to end this inordinately long post (whose blog is this anyway?), but first, if Cathy or anyone else would like to call me, my home phone here in CA is 626-441-6161. My 909 cell phone number still works, too. And since you've all been formally invited to call if you wish, we can avoid any more awkward questions about stalking. I wouldn't recommend calling until about Tuesday, though. This weekend's schedule includes two weddings, lots of visiting teaching, and Memorial Day with family. I'm getting tired just thinking about it. :)

Christian said...

Kim--congratulations on the coming baby! And Becca--that's exciting news! Give Heidi my best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Hey Becca, Is this the same Heidi that was in our ward way back in the day at Liberty Square when we all met?