That's right, gentle readers. Flat Stanley has come to Boston.
Since he'll be staying with me for a week and will pretty much go everywhere I go, (except the bathroom, of course--that would be gross, people), I thought I'd document our good times together on the blog, partly as a reminder of what to write my neice about when I send Stanley back home, and partly as a way to share what I do every day (and to amaze you with the boring-osity of it all).
Luckily, Stanley arrived at my apartment today just before I had to go to work, so work was, in fact, the first place he and I went. We took the subway there, where Stanley helped me check out some books to patrons using our Integrated Library System (that's your 'Library Science Term of the Day,' btw):
(Note, if you will, the holy light emanating from said ILS.)
Then Stanley thought it would be funny to jump out of the stacks at me:
(Yah. Hilarious, Stanley.)
Fortunately, Stanley also helped me find a discarded book that's over 100 years old (!), so I couldn't stay mad at him for too long.
We decided to bring it back to my apartment and give it a nice home. (Mostly so I can sniff right in the creases and get that 'old book' feeling and swoon. Also, I love that title page. Seriously. I would marry it. If it proposed.)
Well, that's it for Stanley's Adventures in Boston today. We'll see what our flat friend gets up to tomorrow...
"Yeah!!" Brooke says! I just showed her that Stanley made it to Boston! She's been bouncing up and down, and beaming. We know he's in good hands! Hope he's not too much trouble for ya! Brooke specifically wanted you to be the Stanley recipient! She knew you'd do the best job, I think!
Love ya!
P.S. Do you think I can email your blog site to her teacher? I'm sure she'd love to see it! Also, if you email me the pictures, I can pass those on as well! Thanks again!
How fun! I love Flat Stanley!
Way to go Stanley on finding a 100-year old book! Amazing! :)
I do like a man who can wear bright colors!
Oh, good! I'm so glad she was happy! That's just making me grin, too. :D And yeah! Feel free to send the blog link to Brooke's teacher! I'll send you an email with the pictures, if you'd like. Or, you may be able to just right-click the ones on the blog and save them to your computer. (But, let me know if you can't do that and I'll be happy to send them off to you.)
Lindsay, I'm beginning to develop a deep affection for the fellow myself. Apparently there's a whole Flat Stanley Project devoted entirely to keeping the little guy traveling, including visits to The White House.
Emily, you are so on top of things! :D Glad you came to check out the blog so quickly. And yes, I am also impressed by Stanley's nigh-magical book-finding abilities.
And Mom, I must say that whoever helped Stanley pick out his colorful outfit did a mighty fine job--a mighty fine job, indeed.
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