Today Stanley went to, you guessed it, even more libraries.
First off, we went to work again, where (after my shift was over), we went to find that book we looked up on the computer yesterday.
So, first, we went to the Juvenile section of the library, then we found which set of shelves had the call number we were looking for (remember, the call number started with 'J B':
Then, we found the book on the shelf itself:
Way to go, Stanley! (Note, if you will, the subtle expression of humble triumph Stanley is sporting in this photograph.)
Stanley also met a stone owl named Minerva. I have no idea why she is named Minerva, nor why a stone owl resides in this library. These mysteries aside, Stanley thought she was pretty darn cool.
Righto. Well, after that, Stanley and I meandered off to Simmons, where we went to the library over there ("Good grief," cried Stanley. "Not another one!") and I made copies of some journal articles I was supposed to read and...didn't quite get through...and where I also checked out a course reserve book to read about ways to help teenagers who use libraries.
Then, at last, Stanley came with me to the building where most of the library school classes are held. Here's a picture of the outside (with the library school banner neatly displayed). (Also, just FYI, today was wretched cold, so those fingers holding Stanley up are freezing OFF.)
And here's a picture of Stanley inside the classroom:
(Don't worry about the lack of students; I just got there a little early, which is why the room's so empty-looking. But the two students you see in the background? Typically intelligent. Like pretty much every single library student. We're also a humble bunch.)
That's mostly it. Stanley and I went grocery shopping after class, and I bought bread, milk, eggs, cereal and bananas, and also rubbing alcohol because I tripped coming up the stairs at a T station yesterday, scraped my knee up and made it bleed through my jeans. I figured rubbing alcohol was a pretty good idea.
And now we're back at my apartment! So, I will bid you all adieu until tomorrow, when I will recount more adventures with the indefatigable Stanley.
Is it my imagination, or is Stanley looking just a touch more flat and wrinkled? They say that travel is broadening, but I find that, like Stanley, I tend to feel distinctly more flattened as the trip progresses. I must say, however, that he is a shining example of consistent cheerfulness. He is smiling in EVERY shot! Even presidential candidates cannot seem to manage that! (And we so wish they wouldn't try.)
Oh, and a little family business here: Did you check out the photos of Hyrum's new sibling on the family blog. He/She appears to be smiling too, although those ultrasound shadows make it pretty hard to tell.
I think that Minerva is just the roman name for Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom--her symbol was the owl. So I guess it makes sense that there'd be wisdom in a library...
Yay! Very fun. Also, EPG is very smart.
I like this Stanley guy, he seems pretty cool. Although, he is a bit...I don't know...flat. Just kidding, what a great buddy to have around! If only my friends were flattenable (is that a word?).
Hey! Just wanted to say, HOWDY! Also, wanted to pass on that the Hiler family will be arriving tomorrow for a quick 4 day stay for a conference. I will tell you all about it!!
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