Today, you see, is Thursday, which (because of its class-less and job-less nature) is my free day, which means that it's the day I do errand-type stuff. So today, Stanley's adventures were...less exciting.
For instance: this morning, Stanley helped me to...DO LAUNDRY! Hooray! Laundry is just SO EXCITING!
Um. And while we did laundry, Stanley helped me to...
learn about metadata! Specifically about MARC records, (Lib Sci Term o' te Day) which is a way for libraries to share cataloging they've done with other libraries, so librarians don't have to keep cataloging the same items over and over and over again. MARC stands for 'MAchine Readable Cataloging,' and is a way for catalog records (basically all the information about a certain item, including author, title, etc.) to be sent from computer to computer without getting all garbled and confused.
So, basically I'm pretty much lost when it comes to all this technical stuff. But some of it's getting through. With Stanley's help, of course.
After doing laundry, then hauling the full bag all the way back up the [cursecursecurse] FOUR flights of stairs, I settled down to do some more reading and promptly fell asleep for several hours. 'Twas nice. (Poor Stanley stayed squashed between the pages of my textbook.)
Later, my roommate reserved a Zip Car so we could go grocery shopping at NIGHT without having to walk all the way to the store and back with our fingers falling off from those grocery bags that cut off your circulation and. You know. It being dark. And cold. And stuff.
Cars are nice.
Particularly this red one, which was a rather appropriate color for Valentine's Day. Stanley was gentlemanly enough to open my door for me. (Which was pretty tricky for a flat fellow, lemme tell you.)
At the grocery store, Stanley admired the lovely display of eggplants, artichokes, cauliflower, and whatnot. (Unfortunately, I didn't buy any of this stuff. However, I did pick up some nice asparagus that was lovely and thin and will taste smashing after being broiled in a little olive oil and salt and pepper...mmmm...)
Yeah. So... That's about it, folks. I'm sorry the day was so boring, but that's just what Thursdays are usually like: laundry, sleep and food (although the order can vary a bit). Tomorrow's my last class for the week, and I've got to work on an assignment due tomorrow morning so I must leave you now. But cross your fingers (seriously--do it now) so that Stanley and I can do something a little more interesting next time.
1 comment:
I have never heard of Zipcars before, but the website looks too cool! Whoever thought of providing that service is a genius! :)
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