Friday, January 19, 2007

So why doesn't anyone set me up with her 40-year-old brother?

I love work conversations. No really--they're possibly the most entertaining part of being in the customer service realm.

Just yesterday, or maybe it was the day before, (it's hard to keep track of time in the customer service realm), a co-worker, who happens to be 27 and single, mentioned that her grandmother (just before passing away) had prayed that this co-worker of mine would find a nice man whose wife had died, leaving him two kids.

(Ew. Awkward sentence there.)

Anyway--another co-worker gasped and said, "That's my brother!"

So, everyone in the office immediately talked about strategies for getting this 27-year-old hooked up with my other co-worker's 39-year-old brother.

Okay. Now, as anyone who has read Jane Eyre knows, a gap of even as much as twenty years matters about as much as a spot of dust in your eye if the two people involved are kindred souls. However, for some reason, this 12-year gap made me grit my teeth a little (Is that why I woke up with a sore jaw the next morning?) and grimace behind the wall of my cubicle.

Then another co-worker piped in with information about her brother, who is divorced and is himself past 40. Amazingly, they both wanted to set this girl up with their brothers! Add this to the twice-divorced brother of yet another co-worker who had been deemed unworthy of my 27-year-old friend.

I began to wonder--what's wrong with me? Why doesn't anyone want to set me up with her 40-year-old brother?

Then I remembered. Of course! That's why! It's always why.

I had begged them not to set me up with anyone. Ever. In a million years.

I guess it's just easy to forget that when you're caught up with all the appealing brothers of your coworkers in the customer service realm.


Anonymous said...

You should speak up Beth! Yell out "HEY! I want to date all of your 40 year old brothers!" Everyone will look at you strangely for a moment...but once that passes you'll have 3 dates. And then you'll remember why you asked them not to set you up with anyone and you won't feel so bad next time. But you never know...maybe one of them is your Mr. Darcy! He was older too if I remember correctly. Come on Beth! Speak Up!

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Hm. I'll have to get an exact year count on the Mr. Darcy thing. I'm pretty sure he was older, but was it as much as 12 years? Not sure.

Anyway--I think I'll yell that out on Monday morning. That way, the dates could be set up for this next weekend! Hurrah!

Pat said...

I'm so sorry that I don't have any single 40 year old brothers for you - I'm even fresh out of sons, can I just adopt you into my family? LOL!

Pam Graney said...

While adoption is cool...husbands are better. At least husbands that look and act (at least at the end of the book) like Mr. Darcy. Sadly, not all single 40 year old men are Mr. Darcys just looking for their Lizzy. Ah...what a world... "WHERE ARE YOU?????"

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Pat, I'll take the offer! :^)

And Pam, I've given up looking for Mr. Darcy. I'd be satisfied with a Mr. Collins at this point.

Hahaha! Oh, just kidding. I'm not quite a Charlotte Lucas yet.