Thursday, January 04, 2007

Pajama Girl (Or 'Pyjama Girl' if you're British)

We are a family of many Christmas Traditions.

These include Putting Up Christmas Decorations While In a Tiff With Each Other, (which actually didn't happen this year, oddly enough...), Teasing Siblings Mercilessly About How Much They'll Like the Present I Bought Them (which only I practice, I believe), Getting Sick of Candy Neighbors Bring Over and Eating It Anyway, Trying to Watch the George C. Scott "A Christmas Carol" and Falling Asleep Halfway Through It and Then Waking Up to the Awful Screeches of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.

And oh. We have many more.

But we've never been one of those lucky pajama families, with that lucky pajama tradition. You know--the one where on Christmas Eve, everyone opens a present and it's a pair of new pajamas and you wear them to bed and you're all warm and snuggled in your spiffy PJs and you wake up on Christmas morning and are still wearing them as you open your presents.

And let me tell you--I've felt the lack of this holiday tradition.

Well, this year we didn't get pajamas on Christmas Eve, per usual.

But we did get PJs on Christmas morning! Hwowza! And here they are! (Er, mine are. Everyone else's are not subject to photography. At least not while I am lazily sitting on the couch blogging.) (And no, I am not wearing them in this picture. I'm not quite that...shapeless. Not quite.)

In fact, I am wearing these spiffy and fuzzy and new PJs right this very moment. And you know--they're just as great as I've always dreamed.


Pat said...

Hooray for you!!! Your jammies look cozylicious - love the penguins too!

Lindsay said...

Ooh! Penguins! Very nice. I got some new pajamas this year too, from my in-laws. They are purple. And comfortable. I wish I was wearing them right now. *Sigh*

Anonymous said...

Joy got lots of PJs this year. I didn't get any, but I did get some See's candy and a state-quarter-collecting booklet, neither of which she would probably appreciate at this point. And while Joy does get waited on tiny hand and tiny foot, she didn't get to eat any of the cheesecake brownies on Phillip's birthday. I guess every age has its pros and cons.

And Beth, I can totally relate to that Get Sick of Neighbors' Goodie Gifts but Eat Them Anyway tradition. Oh the memories.