Thursday, November 30, 2006


I done it! I mean it's done and I did it! I wrote 50,000 words in one month! By, like, steady plodding and sacrificing good writing on the altar of quantity!


And also, Yeeeeeaaaaaah, BABY!


(Well, that last exclamation may have been a bit much...)

As a newly inducted NaNoWriMo winner, I get to put this lovely image up on my blog:

(Yeah. I went with the biggest one available. Totally.)

However, as impressed as I am with my own personal writing feat, (and at 166 pages in Word it's the most (by a long shot) I've ever written for any one project), I'm even more impressed with my little sis's writing skills.

Even now she's madly dashing off her last 1000 words, having written an average of about 5000 every day for the past week. WOW. She was only about halfway to the goal a week ago and now... THAT AWESOME AND CRAZY CHIC! SHE'S TOTALLY GONNA MAKE IT!

So tomorrow she and I are going to have our own little "Thank goodness it's over" party. We're probably gonna go to a movie, she'll eat some popcorn ('cause I'm abstaining...shoot...), and we'll laugh and we'll cry and we'll fall asleep onto each other's shoulders halfway through the movie because, by heck, this writing 50,000 words in one month is pretty tiring work.




Anonymous said...

*sniff sniff*

Thanks. I totally think you're awesome for sticking with the 1,667 rule. I only did that a few times. You are da best.

Anonymous said...

By golly - that's amazing!
Congrats to you both!

Lindsay said...

WOW! YOU ARE AMAZING!!! Congratulations of finishing!!

Anonymous said...


Beth, you rock.

Christian said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to read the finished product!

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Hahaha! You see, that's funny, because the novel is still months & months away from being finished. And also it stinks. Yes, indeed it doth.

However, I am in the process of putting my novel (in all its unedited glory) up on a new blog. If you really have a hankering for some poor-quality nonsense writing, just let me know & I'll send you an email with an invitation. (You poor, poor invited souls.)