Monday, July 24, 2006


Well, against my own better judgement, I am including in this post a pic of mein self. I did a wee little photo shoot using my wee little digital camera this afternoon. (Hoorah for Utah State Holidays! No work!)

Sooooo....yep. There's me. Actually, it's kind of weird sitting here typing a post whilst staring at mein self. It's actually kind of creepy, if you want to know the truth--kinda like--DUDE! Stop staring already!

Okay. So, now that you all know what I kind of look like right now, (I SWEAR--the only thing I Photoshopped (hehe--"Shoppe at your local Photoshoppe") was the brightness/contrast thingy), I guess I can go.




Anonymous said...

Good to see you, Beth. It's been a while.

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Hey--good to be seen! Except, now that I reflect upon't, I do believe I look a trifle crazed. And also...not good. Like I should have fiddled more in Photoshop.

Next time, next time...

(And I am SOOO not fishing for compliments! So please don't post something saying, "Oh, no--you look fine!" Because I know secretly you'll be thinking, "Yes. I wouldn't leave my small children with this character. Crazy person.")

Anonymous said...

I actually like the photo, personally. Of course, I also like grilled peanut butter-and-banana sandwiches, so perhaps my views are not reflective of wider public opinion.

Moreover, since I've been known to conduct debates with fictional characters while working in my garden, it's entirely possibly that I'm crazy, too. Birds of a feather, right Beth?

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Hah! If I look even HALF as good as a peanut butter & banana sandwich, I think it's time for me to start a career in modeling! Vogue other high-fasion magazines...HERE I COME! :^D

Anonymous said...

:) Beth, you crack me up. Thanks, I needed that.