Friday, November 11, 2005

Nothing Much

It's been interesting--over the past few days since I've started this blog, I find it impossible to get through an hour, let alone an entire day without topics tap-dancing across the inner stage of my mind. (And believe-you-me, trying to talk with a customer about why we can't replace a broken binder that she bought from us three years ago while at the same time trying not to be distracted by this constant tap-dancing is pretty darn difficult.) (Was that a clear sentence? I don't think that was a clear sentence...)

What was I saying? Oh yes--topics. Except that, for some reason, today I really couldn't think of much to talk about. Is my life so boring that I can find no humor in the minutae of my day?

Actually, now I'm hesitating to write about something I just thought of because it once again illustrates what a rotten, mean old grump I can be sometimes.

Oh, what the hey.

Okay--so we're starting from the supposition that I'm a nice person, or that I'm generally recognized as being a pleasant human being much of the time. However, put an impediment between me and what I want to do, (especially if that impediment is a sibling), and I turn into a growling mass of seething resentment. *Imagines a zoo exhibit with a swamp-like environment, and a bubbling mass of goo in the middle. A sign says, "Please, for the love of Pete, do not feed the Seething Resentment." (My bows to Strong Bad.)*

Like for instance, this evening, when I was getting all geared up for writing in my blog, I notice that my laptop is in use. By my sister. Now, instead of thinking, 'Oh, how nice that my sister and I have a good relationship, and that she feels comfortable using my stuff, and I hers. (I, er...use this little wooden massager that I gave her.) Also, how great I feel knowing that because I own a laptop, my siblings can now work on their homework assignments from anywhere in the house, without waiting approximately 42 minutes for a word processing program to open. (Our home computer is really slooooow.)'

So, this is what I should have thought. Instead, my thoughts went rather like this:

"Grrrrr..........MINE! Rrrr.......No! Back! Down, you evil emotions! MUST NOT FEEL RESENTMENT.......Ooooh! But it's my lappy.......Miiiiiiiine.....*wail of the damned*"

You get the picture. So, I had to go watch Animal Planet to feel better. Which leads me to now. Actually, it doesn't, but I've run out of things to say. *Is entranced by TV* Oh, good. The doggie is saved! *Melts into happy puddle of Animal Planet Goo.*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let he who is without fault cast the first stone.
I still think you are a "generally pleasant person!" ;)