Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thankee Day

No turkey today. Well, there's actually a turkey that's in our fridge defrosting, but we haven't eaten any turkey today, nor will we. Truth be told, today has just been kind of a clear-out-the-garden-because-it's-going-to-snow-soon and dad-work-on-getting-the-bathroom-ready-for-laying-tile type of day. We're having pot pies for dinner. (Yippee.)

No, no. Don't feel too sorry for me. Really, it's okay. We'll be having Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday. There are many reasons for doing this, mostly because it's our year to have everybody home for Thanksgiving, but my younger sister Becky can't make it because she is, probably at this very moment, driving back from California with her husband and two kids. So, we're just postponing things for a couple of days. Frankly, I'm really okay with that. Today has (for the most part) been a day to relax, and if we were to have the full Thanksgiving spread today, most of the day would have been spent in hectic preparation of food, trying to keep neices & nephews from wrecking anything important, and trying to avoid minor family quabbles.

So, while there's no cranberry sauce, and no candied yams, and we aren't sitting around the table listing what we're grateful for, it's still been a pretty good day. And Saturday will be even better.

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