Monday, September 25, 2006

Hooray! 100 Posts!

A long time ago (aka a few months) I asked you people to tell me your two favorite ice cream flavors. My plan was to throw a giant virtual ice cream party (as a celebration for the 1000th hit on my blog) & invite you all to come along! Unfortunately, as soon as I started working on putting the party together, lots of things came up like surgery & the death of my grandmother, & it just didn't seem like the right time anymore. (Plus, the hits by that point had gone way past 1000.)

So, now in celebration of my 100th post (WAHOO!) I've put together this little ice cream social. I hope you enjoy it! (By the way--there are many, MANY more people I would have included, but I either A: Did not have a high-resolution picture of you, B: Had already put together an image & no longer had any room--rats, or C: Simply did not know who you are (although this really only applies to two people who posted once on my blog & have never returned). So, I apologize if you're not in the photo. Seriously, you should be! This 'should be in here but for above reasons I could not include you' list consists of Lindsay, Libby, Pat, Annie, & my two beloved sibs Debs & Joseph (who posted under the werid but cool screen name of 'Opario'). And, if I've forgotten to include you in THAT list, well....just blame my ultra tired brain.

So, here it is! Happy ice cream! Happy friends! Happy, happy 100 POSTS! (By the way, because not everyone responded to my pleas for favorite ice cream flavors, I had to guess on a couple of you, and I even made up some flavors. So, if you have no clue what your ice cream is supposed to be, just ask. I can hardly wait to tell you.)

(And also--I know, I really KNOW--some of those poses & colors & bits of clothing are really weird. And some of your proportions are all off. And yes, I know that the lighting on some of your heads is also weird. And no, I don't intend to go back & fix it all--I'm tired of looking at this thing. Haha!)

(And also, you'll want to click on this thing for a larger version. Lots of details, man.)

***Edit: Urg! Oh, for pity's sake! I can't seem to get the darn pic to open up in a new window when you click on it. Bleh. Looks like you'll have to just be content with a smaller version. *Goes away mumbling curse words to herself* ***

***Edit: Argh! I KNEW there was someone I was forgetting! And Megan! The list includes Megan too!***


Pat said...

Totally awesome Beth! Happy 100!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy 100 indeed! :)Your picture is fabulous, and thanks for including me in the "should be in here but for the above reasons I could not include you" list. I feel loved!

Anonymous said...

Happy 100! Your picture gets the approval of one small boy, who has been pointing at it and saying "Mommie"!

Anonymous said...

Love the picture. My baby daughter does, too. She's been kicking me enthusiastically since the moment I started reading the post.

What does Cathy's shirt say? I think the first word is "I," but I can't decide whether the last one is "SEER" or "GEEK."

Anonymous said...

Love the picture. My baby daughter does, too. She's been kicking me enthusiastically since the moment I started reading the post.

What does Cathy's shirt say? I assume the first word is "I," but I can't decide whether the last one is "SEER" or "GEEK."

Anonymous said...

Blast. I didn't think my comment went through the first time, so I resent it. I always end up regretting it when I do that.

And yes, I do say "Blast," like someone from the 1800s. So sue me.

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Cathy's shirt says (crookedly--sorry, I just couldn't get it straight) "I 'heart' my Geek." She actually has a black Tshirt that says that, but for some reason unknown even to myself, I put her in maroon instead.

Becca said...

You, Beth, are the queenliest pirate queen ever. Your picture is great! So, what kind of ice cream am I eating (since I was bad and never told you what my favorite was)? Also, you are the queen of pirate cards--it was awesome! Thank you!

Christian said...

100 posts already?! Rock on, Beth! And thanks for the ice cream!

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Becca, your ice cream flavors are: cookies & cream (okay--so it's kind of your run-of-the-mill flavor, but at least the cookie chunks are HUGE) and some sort of chocolate thing with brownie chunks & peanuts. Hm. Well, it sounded good to me in the moment. :^)

And I'm so glad you got the card! Arr!

Thanks for being so cool about the pic! Glad you (and the peoples on the list) could all join me. :^)

Anonymous said...

You... didn't... include... ME?!?!?! Ye own flesh and blood... *sobs* I'll... I'll be okay... I hope... *bursts into tears and hides in the toaster*

;) I love ya Beth!

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Oh, for pity's--COME out of the toaster, Debbie. (You spend way too much time in there anyway.)

Anonymous said...

I love this picture so much! You are amazing and I heart you! :) Emily

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Aha! Well, I gladly heart you back. :^D (And I'm very, VERY glad you likes the pic. :^))