Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What guilt will drive you to:

Did you know that feeling guilty will drive you to do all sorts of things?

Like, for instance, typing something into a post when you have absolutely nothing to say?

Nothing except, perhaps, that I think I try to talk like I'm more wise than I really am. Because I get all philosophical (not real-philosophical; only Lizardbreath-style, which usually ends up being as philosophical as toast, which, while delicious, does not necessarily help you understand the world any better) and write things, thinking I'm saying something meaningful and insightful and really I'm just stuck here trying to figure things out and mostly changing my mind while still wanting to talk about whatever and wherever my opinion is at the moment.

I'm like a mixed-up bundle of me-ness, which often just doesn't feel like it's quite good enough.


Daffodils are wonderfully yellow.

And library school is awesome.

Especially when I'm only three weeks away from summer break.


kia said...

This is totally my problem with finishing up my treatise on single life/dating in the church! It is really difficult to hammer down constantly changing, and usually ridiculous philosophies (especially when you really don't know what you're talking about). So in other words...true dat!

Charlotte said...

You totally just reminded me of a song... Hook by Blues Traveler... If you look of the lyrics, they're actually quite comical. :)
P.S. I love your philisophical-me-ness!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Huzzah for summer break!

And whether your posts are philosophical or not, I sure enjoy the you-ness of them.

Cathy said...

What are you doing during summer break?