Thursday, April 10, 2008

Don't you love having jokes with yourself?

I do it all the time. I'll be walking along, and then I'll think something, and then joke about it to myself, and then laugh, all internally.

I really am my own best friend!

Like today:

Ever since reading it at the elementary school library where I volunteer weekly, I've wanted to add The Shrinking of Treehorn to my Amazon wishlist, but kept forgetting. Like, every single blasted week. I'd come across it while shelving and think, "BLAST! There's The Shrinking of Treehorn. I still haven't added it to my wishlist." Then today, oh joy of joys, I remembered it, simply because I was looking up pictures by Edward Gorey (he was the illustrator for The Shrinking of Treehorn) to add to a presentation on the mystery genre.

So, I sent myself the following email:

Subject: Treehorn!

The Shrinking of Treehorn!


This is, of course, a reference to the classic Sesame Street segment, "A loaf of bread." Which you can watch here, because I'm generous like that.

Yeah. So, the jokeness of this doesn't seem so funny now that I've written it all down. But at least you'll understand me if I sometimes murmur to myself, "A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter." That thing will be in my head for always. (Also, I love that you can find almost anything on YouTube.)


Charlotte said...

I absolutely love this clip... and also often find myself saying, "a stick of buttah". :D P.S. I saw online that tomorrow there is a Bookish Ball Festival at Harvard Square that might be fun.

Wookface said...

Hahaha, Beth, the video clip made me so happy! I still say that to myself all the time! It has been years and years since I have seen that clipped, but I still remember it well. "I remembered! I remembered!"

Pat said...

Oh, how cute! If only I could remember...
wait - what was I saying?
Darn. ;^P

Mama M said...

This makes me feel very, very guilty. Did I just stick my preschoolers in front of Sesame Street 24/7? Do you remember anything your OWN mother said to you with equal clarity and joy?

Oh why, oh why, oh why, is motherhood such a guilt trap?

*Mama sobs softly*

Becky said...

Oh, the memories! Thanks for the reminder. And yes, Mama. Have no doubt that we remember things you said to us! Like, "Start with a clean kitchen, and end with a clean kitchen." And my personal favorite: "I love you, Becky. NOW GO TO BED!!!" *Sigh!* I miss those days!