Sunday, January 27, 2008

This is it.

This is why I am in library school:


Lizardbreath McGee said...

Because, seriously, who wouldn't want to have a book-holding kid stare up at you in that adoring way?

Cathy said...

Here I am exploiting your blog to tell you I'm not going to call you back tonight. Sorry. Sick kids. Sick Cathy.
I did just write to very beloved people in Guatemala that I haven't written for 5 1/2 years. This is a personal victory--I just thought I'd share.
Thanks to all other blog readers for letting me use this space.
Also, my word verification is cool. It's syhic which sounds like the teary sniff the adoring child would make while reading said book (interrupted by a hiccup)!

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Amen. That's why I did it too. Only, I work with grumpy college students instead (and hope they don't look down at me in that adoring way... *cringe*).

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Oh, and yeah, I enjoy being told I'm cool! It doesn't happen often in this trade (at least not where I work...) So, for the record...

YOU'RE cool and all librarians and lib-in-trainingeees are cool. The end.

Jekka Goaty Senoj said...

Ha ha! The little anklebiters think they can fool me!

Heidi said...

Um, "BETH IS COOL!!!!!!" she yells, really loudly, in a library somewhere to pay homage.

Mama M said...

Hey Marian, Madam Librarian, where ya been lately? New post anytime soon? One would think you have classes and a job and a LIFE or something.

Missing you. Especially this week. Been a sad week, mourning for the death of President Hinckley. Wishing you could have been here today to watch the funeral with us.

Love, Mom