Friday, October 31, 2008

Forgive me, Mother.

Mom, I know you will cringe at this post. I know you will hate it and shiver and that it will be horrible. And I am very, very sorry. Know that I feel your pain.

I went into the kitchen this afternoon to get a glass of water and found a fat little brown mouse crouched on the mat in front of our sink. I was startled (and disgusted) and became very surprised when the rodent didn't move when I approached and told it (very firmly, I might add) to scurry, dang it! (It was so that I could forget it was there for a little while and then later bring up the subject with my roommate to see if she had any leftover traps from our last mousy escapade, if you must know.)

But the mouse didn't scurry when I told it to. Perhaps it didn't speak English. Or was DEATHLY ILL??? Because it didn't even run away when I tried moving one corner of above-mentioned kitchen mat, I decided that I would try to scoop it up with an empty pizza box. (I had pizza last night, people. We don't leave pizza boxes around for days, or anything. Yeesh.) At that, it seemed to object, and scurried (at last) in the crack next to the oven.

Okay, I thought to myself. Now I will try to get a trap at some point so we can catch this furry marauder.

So I went to my room to read a little and shudder. Later, I came back into the kitchen, and the mouse was once again on the mat. What the heck?!? I thought to myself. I tried again unsuccessfully with the pizza box, but this time I noticed that the mouse was walking oddly, and kept swaying as if it were drunk. Had it gotten into my roommate's wine?

When I came back into the kitchen again, after having left said pizza box open on the floor in the (stupid) hope that it would crawl in and stay in while I surreptitiously shut the lid on it, I found the mouse lying prone on the floor, little paws stuck to the side, tail laid out along the tile like a fallen streamer. Oh, heck. Let me be realistic. It looked like a dead worm attached to an even deader mouse.

I looked closely at the mouse. It was not breathing. So, choking back my gag reflex, I used one of the ubiquitous Bed, Bath & Beyond coupons we get in the mail, and scooped it into the pizza box. I noticed that rigor mortis had already set in, since the thing didn't bend at all when I was doing said scooping. I took the whole ensemble down the stairs to the dumpster, all the while wondering what the thing had died from and, more importantly, whether the disease was likely to kill me too.

Things like, you know, bubonic or pneumonic plague (except that I'm not sure if mice died from that? or even carried it? was it just rats? and did just the infected humans die?) or, I don't know, some sort of feverish horribleness that spreads via seeing weird drunken-seeming mice weave around your kitchen mat.

So, if I start developing flu-like symptoms or buboes in the next few days, just drop me off at the local emergency room, warn them that the next pandemic (and possibly the end of the world) is now at hand, and oh--would someone be kind enough to take notes for me in class on Tuesday? I'm not sure I'm going to make it.


Becky said...

Yugh!!! Okay, as if I weren't feeling sick enough as it is... Sheesh, thanks a lot! (Although, I am glad you got rid of it.)

Actually, I was just thinking of my one experience with handling a dead mouse. It was at our old house. We never had one inside, but once got one in our garage. Well, one day, apparently I startled it from it's little hiding place when I started the car, and it jumped out and ran right in front of my tire as I backed out of the driveway! Eww! Later, my kids actually discovered it, ("Mom, what is that squished hairy thing?") And of course, Vince was out of town at the time. So I had to be the one to scrape it off the garage floor and dispose of it. Don't know which is worse: a dead squished mouse in your garage, or a dead stiff mouse in your KITCHEN! Yuck!

Joanna said...

At least you found a good use for a Bed, Bath & Beyond coupon.

kia said...

So you should have called me. I have many experiences with meese remember?

emilysuze said...

Yikes. Gross. I don't think I would have been as level headed as you in this situation.

Good thing you had an empty pizza box and sturdy coupons on hand! :)

Kim said...

Nicely done! I sincerely hope you don't get the plague. We won't be able to invite you over if you get that... :)

Palomita said...

Ahhh... brings back the memories of our first winter in Chicago, when we caught 9 mice in our apartment, and saw 1 rat in the kitchen. Those were the good ol' days...

Pat said...

Gsoh, I'm just so disturbed that I can't think of a thing to say - (poor little critter, but Eeeewwww!) a great bunch of word verification words to add to my list trying to think of something though. (I'm going to use these somewhere, sometime - I swear!)

Lydia said...

Yuck, Yuck, Yuck, GROSS!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is your mother writing.

Oh dear.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

I have just come up for air from NaNoWriMo. (5400+ so far) And this is what greets me from the blogoshpere.

Oh dear. Oh dear. Oh dearodear. Poor mouse. Poor Beth. Poor coupon.

Poor Mama

Wookface said...

Cool! Hey, I deal with dead mice all the time they're not so bad. Especially when cool burying beetles then turn them into little homes for their larva!

Check it out (except for the weak of might just be too much for you)!

Mama M said...

Just one more comment from Mom:


Oh, and also, my word verification password this morning looks like the name of an unmentionable part of the female anatomy. What's that about?