Wednesday, October 01, 2008

All Wet

The streets are rivers, the dips in the sidewalk are lakes, and even moving through the air is like trying to breathe while standing under Niagra Falls.

Ah, autumn. Be less beautiful, or be less brief. Or something.

P.S. Sorry I haven't been posting much. I've been both busy and a little...distant. Even while feeling like I'm missing people more than ever. I have no promises or anything (like posting more, for instance), but I just wanted to let you know. I'll post when I can.


Becky said...

I miss you! Here's a big smile for you though. :D

Palomita said...

Here's a second sister, missing you lots, too! Counting the days til Christmas.

Reynolds said...

Sounds like life has taken you far from tracting in Detroit, eh? Of all the random things, I found out at book group tonight that my good friend Adrienne Burger is your cousin and a link to your blog was within my grasp all this time... I enjoyed perusing your posts- Drop by sometime. Love, "Sister Newbold"

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Good luck with things. Love ya, Bethy.

Wookface said...

And here's a third sister missing...wait I mean a third brother mis...wait, oh never mind. Forget it, I'm an idiot. But I do miss you!

Mama M said...

Oh I love rainy, drippy, gray and dreary days. And I love growing weary of them, and wishing for the sun to come out and play peek-a-boo for an hour or two. I love reading my favorite books while eating a really tart crisp apple and listening to the rain beating against the window glass, knowing that it cannot get in. And I love feeling a little sad, and a little lonely and a little self-indulgent.

And then I don't.

Lydia said...

Sounds damp. Keep your chin up and remember you have lots of people who love you.