Sunday, October 26, 2008

You always knew you wanted to float in a library

So, you know how I sometimes like to just embed a YouTube video rather than actually writing something myself?


I'm doing it again.

The lip movements aren't really synced so much, but it's from the 80s. And it takes place in a library. And there's a chimp wearing a Red Sox shirt. Is that enough awesomeness to make it all okay? Why, yes. Yes it is.

(P.S. Fair warning: There is one little swears. It's relatively mild, but it's there. Just so you know.)


Lydia said...

What a silly video.

Wookface said...

Ever the nerd, you do know this is an actual song called Head Over Heels, right? They're just making fun of the music video in this video! And they do a swell job, if I do say so myself! Very weird!

Reynolds said...

Made me laugh... needed it. Thanks

jbrkeith said...

excellent video