Thursday, May 08, 2008

So this is what it's like when the world is alive.

Just an observation, before I get down to the nitty gritty of creating an awesome fictional account of what exciting things have been going on in my life for the past several months (hint: I believe it involves finding out that I'm the heiress to a vast estate in England, and that's only the boring part):

Despite my occasional (or, more or less constant) self-image issues, I've discovered something very important. It's impossible to feel anything less than beautiful while walking beneath a long line of trees that are raining white petals down on you.

Seriously. It's like frolicking through the fields in a white dress, or facing the sunset while the wind whips your hair behind you.

It's just one of those things.

And I love, love, LOVE that the world is coming alive again. I always forget over winter just how beautiful it all is, how vibrant everything is. It amazes me every time I step outside. And it makes me feel vibrant and alive as well.

That is all.

Now I must continue working on my fictional account.

(What do you think about unicorns?)


Debbie Barr said...

I concur. Spring is just lovely.

And unicorns are great... as long as they Meredith Anne Pierce style, fighting Gryphons and Wyverns and such. ;)

Joanna said...

Have you seen Charlie the Unicorn?

Your Name said...

I think a gryphon should be in there somewhere...and possibly a beautiful island with a certain castlehouse in the middle.


Palomita said...

Unicorns are good. Reeaall good. And so are hypographs. And ligers. Which are pretty much the coolest animal ever.

I love spring, too. Especially this year. Even living on the barren prairie. At least the weeds have started growing - they're green :)

Becky said...

I was just thinking those same thoughts. "Wow! I forgot how BEAUTIFUL Spring is!" What a wonderful world!

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Debs, I agree. Or Jo, they may be like the cranky Charlie, or they might just shout at me, "We'll have an adventure!"

Ethenielle, I'll see if I can incorporate those somehow. :)

And Palomita, I wish I could ship you some of the trees that fill up New England. There should be more than enough to go around. (Also, ligers ARE blasted awesome, mostly because they actually exist. And they have magical powers.)

Becks, I agree. In fact, yesterday, I sang "What a Wonderful World" to myself (in a very quiet voice indeed) like Louis Armstrong. It made my throat hurt. :)