Saturday, September 19, 2009

My lack of a job is starting to interfere with my night life.

Some of you may be shocked when you read this entry, namely because I did not indulge in Pirate Speak during the writing of it. Or at least not much. Arr.

But try to rein in your discontent for a moment. I wish to write of a matter of vital importance.

I am sleeping really weird(ly?) lately.

Not that my dreams are odd, or rather are no more odd than usual, but my sleeping schedule seems to be slipping further and further away from the norm (as defined by what normal people do during normal hours of the day, as opposed to what imaginary people like me do).

For instance, take yesterday. I woke up at 11am. As in eleven o'clock in the morning. I ate breakfast while my parents had lunch. And then I played video games. (So much for job hunting.) And then I went to bed at 4am this morning. And woke up about five minutes before noon today.

For a while after a moved home, I was still on Eastern Time. On early-rising ET, even. When I lived just outside of Boston, I would frequently get up at 6am so I could get ready and out the door and on the (unpredictable) T and arrive at work on time and have the library all nice and open when patrons started showing up.

So, just to point this out to you, I would frequently get up at the exact same time that I went to bed this morning. So, basically the slippage has now shifted me ahead the amount of one entire sleep schedule.

Not cool, me peeps. Not cool. Especially because when I start sleeping this late, my dreams get really lucid and. Disturbing. Like ex-boyfriends visiting a woman in a prison and killing her with fishing tackle and leaving her for her little boy to find. Oh, and same dream: day-old soft-serve ice cream cones that have somehow retained their shape, but are room-temperature and stale.

So, no more domestic (in-prison?) violence in my dreams, please. No more stale ice cream cones. I needs to get me a job. Pronto.


Michelle said...

I totally understand your pain and went through it last year. Soon you will have a job and dream that the patrons will not leave the library at closing and you have to call the police ... still they do not leave.

Mama M said...

I will wake you. I have powers.

LizzyLu said...

This is totally a sign that you should be writing a fantastic book. Your dreams are merely guidelines to plots, scenarios, and wonderful happenings.

azrobisons said...

How is the job hunt coming? Interesting dreams for sure. The first sounds creepy the second definitely weird! I just dreamed someone broke into my home during the day and I called to my little girl to come be with me in a bedroom and tried to dial 911. It left me an eerie, creepy feeling when I woke up. I like the you writing a book idea. One with dragons and pirates perhaps. Ooooooo Maybe a fun dragon, pirate, princess book for my kids! O.k. I'll stop! It was just an idea.
Oh, you make me wonder about myself. I can't stay up until 4 a.m. anymore. My body totally goes to sleep! I'm getting old before my time!! J/K Good Luck with the job hunt and I hope it comes through very very soon!! :)