Friday, June 12, 2009

So, two weeks, eh?

I'm finally in a contemplative mood, whilst at the same time laden with my laptop 'cross my legs, and thus am currently experiencing the perfect blogging atmosphere. (Well, perhaps 'perfect' would also include a swarthy man dropping blueberries between my slightly parted lips while he somehow simultaneously strums his acoustic guitar while crooning a ballad he wrote just for me, but, that also might prove too mightily distracting for blogging purposes, and...I digress.)

So, hey. 'Sup.

I'm leaving Boston two weeks from today.

I'm taking a quick jaunt down to DC to go on a wee little road trip to the Carolinas with a marvelously wonderful friend of mine, and also to visit interesting places in our nation's capital. Like, um, the Holocaust Museum. Feeling a little weird about that now, but I'd still like to go...

And then I'm leaving the East. I'm vamoosing, sayonara-ing, signing off, shipping out, returning home from distant lands. I'm headed back to Utah, where the grass is (not as) green and the air is (thank HEAVEN) much drier, and the ground rises in these wonderful, tall, pointy things we like to call mountains.

Now that I have my diploma firmly in hand (seriously--I carry it around with me everywhere--I have a pocket sewed into my pant-leg for easy storage, although I'm thinking about comissioning someone to create a nice, round leather sheath that I can strap across my back like one of those sword-weilding-folk, enabling me to whip out that fancily-lettered piece of paper at the slightest provocation, like someone asking, "Can you tell me where--" "HAH!" I will reply, whipping my diploma from my back, "I am a LIBRARIAN. I can help you find ANYTHING.")

Er. Yes. Now that I have my diploma, and now that I also do NOT have more student loan money rolling into my bank account periodically, and now that my rent and grocery bills must rely on the meager earnings I am able to glean from my part-timing work, I have found it prudent to relocate myself to where the rent and my grocery bills will be non-existent. Namely: my parents' basement.

So, I will be thirty, with an advanced degree, and living across from my folks' laundry room.

And I've gotta say, I'm pretty much okay with that. Ask me again in four months or so, when I still don't have a job, and the student loan folks are getting that red-eyed, pointy-teeth look, but right now, I'm kind of happy about snuggling myself back into the nest. For a few months at least.


emilysuze said...

So exciting that you've got that degree in your hands and are heading on to bigger and more interesting things!

Can't wait to hear about the adventures you'll have whilst living in the basement and searching for that perfect job.

Mama M said...

And we are eager to have you come and set up camp across from the laundry room! (Where, btw, the machines run without inserting ANY quarters!)

So pack yo' bags, sister, and move on home. Westward Ho the Wagons!

Joanna said...

Mom and Dad's basement is going to be the hippest place on the block this Summer! (Although, I think the boys and I are staying in the upstairs rooms...oh, well.) I'm excited to hang out and watch awesome DVDs with you.

The Hurst Family said...

Beth-so excited to have you back in Utah. Can't wait to see you and hear your wittiness in person. Hope you'll be to the Barney reunion on June 27th. Your mom knows the details. Travel safely. RaeAnn

azrobisons said...

Two more weeks and your back out west huh? I might have had baby #3 by then, but then again maybe not. I'm not really due until July 7-9. Buy here's to hoping when my other 2 kids came early. :) I wish you so much luck in finding a job! and I will try to keep my ears open for positions here in the Mesa/Phoenix area. Queen Creek just opened a brand new library a few months ago. What kind of position are you looking for? I love ya'! Good luck!

Reynolds said...

Oh, fraptious day! You lucky advanced degree carrying traveler. I am happy for you.
Unrelated question: do you know the name of the picture book about trains that has the text loop upside down when you reach the end? Just curious...

Lindsay said...

Congrats on graduating! What an accomplishment!

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Thanks, all! I'm way excited. :)

Kellie, I'm looking for a children's librarian position in a public library, primarily, although I am willing to take peeks at other library jobs as well.

Emily, I'm not sure--it's not one I'm familiar with. Can you give me more info about it though? You can email me at bookish 23 (attt) hotmail. (I'm wondering if maybe it's Freight Train by Donald Crews, but it's been awhile since I've read it, so I can't remember if the text loops upside down or not.) For instance, what were the illustrations like (e.g. brightly colored, black & white, simple shapes or detailed drawings, photos, etc.)? Can you remember anything about the author?

All that jazz. :)

Horsley News said...

The name of the book where you turn it upside down and come back is called. "Round Trip". Great book kids love it.
Aunt Susan