Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Candy for the masses

"It has come to my attention," she wrote, each finger tap punching briskly into the keyboard, "that there are some among my readers who wish for a more regular update of the events of my life."

She paused, hands poised over her computer, ready to pounce on them like so many warrior-like worms (she wondered for a moment--could worms be warrior like? She imagined earthworms clad in helmets and shaking spears with their back ends and smiled to herself) while she cocked her head and ruminated on the events of the day. Was there anything worthy to report?

Let's see, she thought to herself, hot oatmeal for dinner, a long nap this afternoon which I decidedly should not have taken, conversation with Mom prior to nap, class this morning...beautiful fall-ish day?

"It was a beautiful day today," she continued, allowing her warrior-worms to jump into the fray. "It was just on the chilly side of cool, which made my walk home that much more pleasant. But the weather is boring to talk about, and I suppose all of you are looking for something more...meaty."

I suppose I could finish my account of the marmot affair. She shuddered. No. Perhaps not yet. More recovery was necessary, she supposed, before she could bring herself to conclude the terrible tale.

"Alas; that's pretty much all I have to tell," she continued. "School's fine, work's fine, all systems normal. Even my toenails are doing pretty well, I guess. At least they're growing like crazy. Maybe a trim is in order."

She blushed a little and decided to erase the bit about the toenails. No one needed to hear about that.

Meaning to hit the backspace button, she accidentally (and unaccountably, because the two actions are pretty much completely dissimilar) hit the 'Publish Post' button instead. So the bit with the toenails was up there for all the internet to see. Chagrined, she decided to simply call it a post and withdraw.

For the time being.


Cathy said...

Hey. Thanks for being alive.

Kim said...

hee hee. Glad everything's going well. Wasn't the weather just gorgeous today?!

Lindsay said...

You are too clever. :)

Horsley News said...

Oh boy another really neat blog for me to read. How fun are you. i hope you can find the link to our family too.
LOVE Aunt Susan

Mama M said...

Glad to have you back among the land of the blogging.

We have all missed you. You do know that your prose is the reason I get up in the morning, right?

Keep on keeping on.

Becky said...

Teehee. You are so awesome, Beth! I love reading your blog. You even make boring everyday life stuff seem hilariously cool. Wish I was that witty! ;0) Thanks for the update!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

I note that you're reading "The Dark Lord of Derkholm." Great book. :)

The weather's actually been coolish here, too, for once. Makes me want to bake something.

Palomita said...

Thank you. I have been waiting.

And, a second on being the cleverest of sisters. I wish I was even half as clever as you!