Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Babies are even better than delicious breakfast sandwiches

I don't mean to imply with the title of my post that I enjoy consuming babies. (Unless, of course, you count those little nibbles you give them on their legs. And fingers. And neck. Oh, babies! They're so nibbleable!)

Really, what I'm talking about is this morning, when I woke up, and heard my 3.5-month-old niece (the same one whose cooing turns me into a viscous substance known to Science only as 'Auntie Goo') squawking indignantly, probably at the reprehensible neglect of the adults in the area who were refusing to let her eat and sleep, which is really mostly what she's interested in doing.

Being the non-lactating sort of female mammal, I was unable to help with the feeding bit. But, while my sister and brother-in-law and their other kids (plus assorted other family members) sat down to chow down on some delicious breakfast sandwiches (lovingly concocted by my culinarily talented sis), I got to hold the baby.

And she fell asleep in my arms.

And despite the numerous offers of Grammy (my mom), various sisters, and even my bro-in-law to hold her while I ate, I refused to give her up. Because the weight of her was just perfect, and the pleasure of watching her pacifier vibrate as she dreamed was too great. And because of those moments when you just get to sit and wonder at this extraordinarily wonderful tiny person, and even the moments when you hold them and stop breathing for a moment, just to be sure they still are.

I'm kind of in love with my niece at the moment. I'm apt to start composing odes.

But believe me, if she fell asleep in your arms, you would definitely feel the same way.


Lindsay said...

Wow. I didn't think it was possible to put to words the complete beauty of a baby falling asleep in your arms, but I think you've just done it. Isn't it fabulous when they love you like that? Oh, I just love it!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Sigh . . . now I feel all warm and fuzzy. Kind of wish my baby was awake so I could go cuddle with her.

Kim said...

Babies are definitely the best! I'm coming there next Wednesday...will you still be there?

Heidi said...

let me just say that I have heard it, and it is most definitely a squawk.

Anonymous said...

Can I just say that I hope your sister prints that out and puts it in her baby's scrapbook. It brought back memories of holding my nephew and feeling like "Auntie Goo". Great seeing you on Sunday. Tell the fam hello.

Joanna said...

Here's hoping you will have another baby come turn you into Auntie Goo before you leave next week!

Becky said...

Ah, man! Now I need to get me one! ;0)

Adrienne said...

I wish I had a way with words like you do. That is exactly how I feel when my children fall asleep in my arms. Even my 2-year old Natalie - I love watching her sleep in my arms when she cries at night and I go in to comfort her. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does, I feel so blessed to have my little girl feel safe in my arms.