Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Everybody, you are all wonderful.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

My dad is doing better now; he's been able to stand up for short stretches, and he's in less pain. They've been able to remove the balloon pump, and they may also take out his drainage tubes later on today. (They've been rubbing against his lungs when he breathes, which has been one of the main sources of his pain since the surgery, so having them out will be a big relief for him.)

Again, thank you for your prayers. I'll keep you updated as he continues along the road to recovery.

(And I'm so glad I can write that he IS on the road to recovery. I've been very frightened.)

Love to you all.


Cathy said...

I just read both this and your previous post. I'll pray for your dad and family too.

And Beth? Those of us who know your dad love him. He's a good man who has affected more people than you know. My dad still has good memories of him when your dad was his bishop years ago in CA. (And now I hope I'm remembering correctly and that he was his bishop--I'm pretty sure but it predates when my mom married my dad).

Be sure that whatever happens, Heavenly Father has his eye on him. I'm glad to read good news of his recovery!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Amen - I'm glad to hear he's doing better. And I'm glad that through prayer, there's a little thing I can do to help him. And you. [BIG HUG]

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that your dad is doing better and that you feel a bit better too. We will continue to pray for his recovery and for comfort. I love ya'! Kellie Robison

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear your dad is doing better. That must be really hard to be away when your family is going through that. Y'all are in our prayers. By the way, Brother Merrill wants to get your parent's email. Would you please ask your mom to give him a call. Thanks so much. Our ward misses y'all.
Ashley Bigler

Mama M said...

I am finally able to take a little time to sit down to read blogs and comments. May I also add my thanks to all of Beth's friends who have offered their love and support, and especially who have prayed for our dear Papa to get well.

He is now walking around in the house for 10 minutes at a time, several times a day. He is starting to be irritated by being tethered to the oxygen line, and is chafing at inactivity. It is all good! He is very motivated to get well. And he is.