Saturday, December 10, 2005

Customer Service is Making Me a Mean, Mean, Person

So I won't tell you how many times I swear under my breath when I'm at work. Nor will I tell you how often I roll my eyes, or groan before picking up a phone, or grind my teeth, or think of screaming. Nope. I'm not going to tell you any of that. And, I won't tell you how often, right before I walk into the office, I have to kind of square my shoulders and take a deep, deep breath before I can dive into my daily work routine.

It's not that my work is terribly difficult. I sit at a desk all day, take phone calls, print orders, and in between that try to take care of any issues that come up on our online forum. It's not even that the people I deal with every day are unpleasant. For the most part, they're usually quite nice. It's that I dread them. I dread dealing with them, and it's even gone so far that I now dislike them collectively (not individually). I don't want to talk to them, I don't want to take their orders, and I don't want to solve their problems.

In short, I have a bad attitude about customer service.

I wasn't always this way. I used to enjoy talking with customers. I was understanding and patient, and I wanted to help them get the right product, or a refund, or whatever the heck else they wanted. Now, I just freaking don't care. I just want all of those pesky, irritating people to leave me alone. It reminds me of a poster I saw at "If We Don't Take Care of the Customer, Maybe They'll Stop Bugging Us." Classic. And oh, so true.


Anonymous said...

Working with the public stinks. Those are the plain hard facts of life. I feel your pain....again and again and again.

Lizardbreath McGee said...

*Laughs in a tired sort of sick-of-working-with-people sort of way.*